Poems about Life, God and Love
1) Frosty Minnesota March
Most recent paragraphs:
Bambusa Guadua (La Cultura del Cafe)
Shadow Government: How the Secret Global Elite Is Using Surveillance
Core Topics in Neuroanaesthesia and Neurointensive Care
Probability in Banach Spaces: Isoperimetry and Processes (Classics
The Art and Science of Cricket by Woolmer, Bob published by Firefly
Pointing Out the Dharmakaya by Rinpoche, Khenchen Thrangu published
Master and Friends: The Collected Works of Paul Valery in English,
The Balance of Power in Asia-Pacific Security: US-China Policies on
Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis: A Synthesis of Research and Clinical
"Mother, you look so cold$%:"
(She's gazing out the window, she loves winter time, its frightful cold this evening, though, and winters turn into a lion.)
"Mother, I'm going south for the rest of March--come along, the winters too long for me!"
(She simply looks into my eyes says :) "The South, go on, let me be!"
"Sweet mother dear--tomorrow they say, comes another storm!"
(Here cold eyes now look at me, says with a gleaming eye and smile :) "Then take me to Las Vegas or let me just freeze!"
2) Jesus' Riddle to John
Jesus once said to John, a riddle, "Answer if you can...: must I die for God, or must I die for man$%:"
(John bewildered couldn't say, he just lowered his eyes and prayed.)
"I take their sins..." Jesus said, "I feel their pain, from Monday through the Sabbath: in cities, nooks and valleys, and in allies, as they hide their selves from me, to sin some more in quite, as if I can't see...!"
(John still looked bewildered but said :) "I guess you'll die for me!"
#1736 3-16-2007
3) Life, God and Love
(The king eater)
Saddam Hussein, he wanted to be king of kings, like Nebuchadnezzar, and so he was--:
At the end of his quest, he: crawled out of a hole, when captured; he grunted like a hog when he was judged--and he heard the hooves of the deadly horses approaching, the roars of anger by his henchmen, when he was hung.
4) Love Leaves a Debt
I am an old lover, and cry to all yokels out there:
Love a day, and for a time
For love is grim, and seldom kind....
To all you lovers have good heed
Love fades without a word, or deed.
And: --
Love always leaves an unpaid debt--
For one always loves more than the other
(and that one never gets)!