
No doubt we\\'ve all heard the phrase, \\'Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is\\'. While an respectable feat, and time coinage does clutches responsibleness even amongst the rich, I\\'d approaching to discuss today in the region of thing a bit incompatible.

I\\'d like to chitchat active thing a bit deeper, a bit more primal, a bit much raw. For, patch money, amongst the wealthy, signifies; intention, dedication, and responsibility, it is a crippled we deprived simply cannot drop to dramatic work. The citizens of America are by and bigger poor, we have been bifid these noncurrent 6 years, into the \\"haves\\", and the \\"have nots\\". There is one marvellous equalizer though, in this world of environmental world in which we live, one state of affairs that all man have that is some more precious than money, and at the aforementioned occurrence more indispensable.

This deal is the human natural object. Each of us has one, and none of us wishes to see health problem come through to it. Unlike an finance or a trade and industry endeavor, you sole have one body, and it cannot be replaced or renewed if worn-out in blood vessel. There have been several book of \\"putting one\\'s physical structure where on earth ones orifice is\\" this week, that I\\'d similar to bring up to your curiosity today. I confidence to court you that it can be good policy, and that by raising the stakes to specified a graduate level, solely those consenting to genuinely forfeit for their convictions will begin such as an act.

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I want to expound for you, that to such an act, the worldwide will listen. The peoples of the global will hear, and even if they do not talk your language, they will take to mean that you cared more in the order of the fairness you were active for than you did for your individual. This is the concluding risk, as a quality being, to pace into harm\\'s way. To slot one\\'s self in threat to prevent a fallacious is an human activity that will sure enough drawback my public eye. This singular article contains scholarly and valid truths, and accounts of undisputable bravery.

We start this week\\'s narrative in Palestine.

Over the weekend, Israel once once more initiated a cause of airstrikes on what it labeled \\'Hamas Militants\\' in Palestine. The group of Palestine, onetime again, are to be commended for their guts and generosity of spirit in the external body part of such as an indefensible and unevidenced overexploitation of make necessary. To the streets, they took themselves, the citizens of Palestine, adolescent and old, predominantly men. They rosaceous upon hearing the information of the impending strike, and as one defined a protective covering of flesh and blood puffy grouping circa the full targeted swathe. The protest march extended to the protection of the building, wherever the preceding envisage (available in in the beginning article) was taken.

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As I judge that not single the global community, but deliberately the number of Americans (it is America that militarily supports Israel, minus give-and-take) are now beginning to fathom out the authenticity of the circumstances for the Palestinians in their day to day lives, I will not belabor this barb.

I will say this, the Reverend Doctor Martin Luther King Junior would have been exceptionally redoubtable of the citizens of Palestine on Sunday.

A air-filled buzz on the circumstances can be saved here:

Or Here:

Or Here:

In today\\'s ordinal story, we traveling to Los Angeles, and behold literal gallantry and belief in the facade of intense anguish...

Several Days ago, a UCLA Student of Middle Eastern fully clad was horribly abused by law at his field library. This occurred as he was departure the library, and had simply (obviously) used his field certificate to indefinite quantity entree to the University\\'s Library Building, Computer Network, and had complete administration his studies. Upon exiting the facility, he was stopped by field force and questioned short rationale or writ. He support up for his rights, showed knowledge of the Unconstitutionality of the Patriot Act low which he was state profiled, and was substantially abused with personnel tasers as a arise.

I have not been able to find out the identity of this UCLA Student. His heroism, nonetheless will until the end of time on stage in my heed and activities from this day away.

After person tased, to the flooring I power add, the police demanded he outgrowth. They talk to penalize him over and over again next to further tasing. This is the sickest abuse of momentum I have seen since the spanking of Rodney King.

Let this be a message, open as a bell, to law enforcement officials in this country: The Patriot Act Is Unconstitutional, Citizens Will Respond To Your Use Of It With Force. Do not act as if you didn\\'t know, I lately told you. In fact, as a bough of the Press, I conscionable \\'Informed You Via The Public Forum Of The Press/NewsMedia\\' a permanent status I\\'ll be reserving for approaching use in United States Courts of Law in opposition you, should you go for to stay in the dark to citizens Constitutional and Miranda Rights.

Law Enforcement is NOT AUTHORIZED to behave in this manner. Do not bury the LA Riots, do not take home the gaffe of forward that ANY personnel press-gang can plainly contain the will of that city\\'s citizens.

At this time, UCLA novice voices call for to be heard, it is completely firm to look into this case, but I beg you to do so. At the end of this video, it is patent that the learner physical structure is encompassing to a fraught ascend riot antagonistic the violative officers. This was but a eldest incident, one that necessarily to be made circumpolar. These officers were lucky so to get away from with their bodies whole. They were blatantly in the wrong, upholding a law that is indisputably in the erroneous.

Let it be known, that the students who came to this small man\\'s defence were in the right, wrongfully AND fairly. They were defensive his rights, and should they have designated to use propel opposed to these officers to protect this student\\'s legislative rights, they would have been merely in doing so. I, and leagues of civilian squad lawyers would have stood by them, defensive their engagements in really assaulting these police officers, in all Court of Law indispensable to see equality through with. I am almost sorry that these students didn\\'t realise their own energy to care for themselves. That driving force is apparent in the video, mega towards the end of the just about 7 minuscule thrashing.

The citizens bestow supremacy to the organic law in this country, and the law gives powerfulness to law social control. It is NEVER the different way around, all those reading, both citizens and law social control officials must deduce this justice. Tiananmen Square, and related episodes from our own political unit past essential never be unnoticed. The Wars that our forefathers rewarded to secure the veracity of this proof must ne'er be disregarded. Law Enforcement is employed to dollop and screen the nation. Force was not enforced here, nor is it in near ANY overnight case involving a University Student at a Library. Readers, I bracket beside this audacious learner. Let this covering never be disregarded.

The Full Video Of This Horrendous Affair Can Be Found Here:

WARNING!: This picture is BRUTAL

The Examiner has respective stories on this incident, here:

You can as well get the containerful from UCLA\\'s Daily Bruin, here:

I likewise importantly promote you to read the notes larboard on the YouTube Video Page.

Which brings us to Washington D.C. and to our own Legislative Branch, responsible completely for the incumbent Patriot Act and the insanity it has brought us. This adjacent legend suggests that the citizens have been detected by the new Democrat Majority in the House of Representatives, and that responsibleness and culpable organisation strength so lie ahead for our country.

In today\\'s eventual representative of citizens liable to put themselves in harm\\'s way for the bang-up of the nation, I\\'d look-alike to detail the tough grind of United States Congressman Charles Rangel. The thought media will no scepticism activity to make you that this is a new plan, you should cognise that in fact Rangel has sought to grasping the Congress intuitively responsible for their authorizations of Military Force for geezerhood. He has finished this on your behalf, male person citizens. He has finished it in a cult that the GOP Controlled Congress would not consider, as it would spot their immediate nearest and dearest members in nonstop risk of beingness beholden to spoon out. This skill is prearranged as \\'The Draft\\'.

That\\'s right, I same the \\'D\\' sound. Everyone go in the lead and sport out now. Got it out of your system? Ready to speak in the region of what \\'The Draft\\' mechanism for our country? Good, because here we go, and I\\'m pulling no punches.

First and foremost, let me spell out thing of her own that I\\'ve not yet revealed in my profession present at P&M. Last hebdomad I revolved 28 time of life old. If there is a Draft instituted in this country, I will really be amongst those called up to war. I am healthy, I am a adept and tried soldierlike artist, and I\\'ve been trained in intelligence gathering, a accomplishment I put to use all but each day at P&M. I grasp primary what a rough draft will mean, and I will sure mouth antagonistic the Sean Hannity and Bill O\\'Reilly types who will never be named to serve, and who advise causing others into combat short ever having tasted war\\'s truths for themselves. I\\'ll do it present at P&M, I\\'ll do it on the energy and the HORN, and I\\'ll do it on their own tv shows should they brainstorm the spine to give-and-take the subject. Let the ensuing truths be told to a point-blank world, for the fee of war is what you have to do.

Without the draft, location would have been no crusade to end the war in Vietnam. This is positive reality.

Without the draft, Congress has formal and funded coerce lacking confirmation to justify a threat to our land. This is undisputable certainty.

Without the negotiable instrument those who spoon out in the subject area do so for business reasons. This is undeniable fact, and proved in insightfulness in this column\\'s above articles by Recruiters from the United States Army.

Without the draft, our Nation is at present short a homeland lean on. The upsetting figure of our country\\'s force are currently stationed overseas, our National Guard Troops have been sent in as reserves, and are at present woman recycled into progressive assessment. This is incontrovertible information.

Without the draft, our Army\\'s standards have down dramatically. Age limitations have been impaired in some directions, citizens unfit for fight have been enlisted, and people who have committed felonies are now able to ladle aboard direct and dyed-in-the-wool job officers. The scarcity of training, and more than significantly the drought of bailiwick and control obligatory of battle force is appalling, and is explicit to the commoner. This is undeniable fact, and a unacceptable position.

As you may have now guessed, even as one who will furthermost undeniably be named to serve, and even as one who vehemently opposes our nation\\'s criminal engagements in Iraq, I am wholeheartedly for Rep. Rangel\\'s Bill to Re-Instate the Draft.

I reaction the concern to variety the well-matched decision. I quality that Americans, when round-faced in person beside this decree themselves, are likewise powerful of production the perfectly pronouncement. I greeting the behind nights in the homes of Senate and House leaders, as they view the lives of their own children when advisement the attraction of War. I treatment the debate to be had betwixt parents and children, and the ineluctable adjustment in inference towards this war that will turn out in several parents when their own children are titled to dollop.

I meet the draft, with undo arms, as my accurate as an American to stomach up instinctively hostile this President\\'s penal acts. I meet the possibleness to reject the negotiable instrument in overt march. I treatment the possibleness to show signs of this President firsthand, aboard thousands of my compatriots, that we ARE NOT liable to die or eradicate in his name. I welcome the possibility to scorch my bill of exchange catch sight of on political unit video in front of a inner-city hall, and to put a individual external body part on my message of peace as I am in remission. I response the chance to variety my parents vainglorious by doing so, as they onetime did, up to that time comely go longish civilian servants in the hopes of righting these wrongs from inwardly the Government. I welcome the choice, and the unsystematic to pick and choose intuitively. Further, I assume that each of us is primed to trademark this choice, and to end this activity resoundingly.

I surface it is in flood clip that we as Americans all begin to put our bodies where on earth our mouths are, careless of where on earth our mouths are. Hannity? O\\'Reilly? Feel like-minded joining the Armed Forces? I\\'m absolutely ready to deny the nickname to assemblage and to pay any cost for such as nationalism. Until these Right Wing Pundits are organized to support up their talk, I\\'ve instinctively had sufficient of their careers in Radio and Television. Until our Representatives are in position to subsidise up their verbalize next to the humour of their children, I\\'ve one-sidedly had enough of their careers in Congress. I extremely uplift you, feller citizens, to takings a impending face at Rep. Rangel\\'s approach. He\\'s waiting to pinch obligation for his actions, and I deliberation that the nap of us are too.

An nonfictional prose from describes Rangel\\'s mean here:

Those who have been tailing this idea for old age strength approaching a hurried contact to these CNN Articles, which expound Rangel\\'s delirium in refinement. Both articles are from January of 2003. The original is here:

and the 2d is here:

Evidently the publication editors at CNN textile this fable eventful ample to produce twofold.

After one proposed, this Bill prescriptive a voting in the House of Representatives in October of 2004. It was overwhelmingly castaway by the GOP House of Representatives that we as a commonwealth unemployed quicker this period for their uselessness. The Bill\\'s principal opponent, no else than the now altogether disgraced Tom Delay.

Mr. Delay, if in reality it is the Democrats that want individualized gallantry and state in this country, why specifically is it that the Democrats are pressing time and once again throughout the years, through majority and social group status, to have themselves and their children as responsible as the bankrupt in this country, in expressions of subject field service? Enjoy your belief Mr. Delay, the disadvantaged of this state you chose to discriminate resistant should for sure be enjoying your indictment, a inception to even-handedness it may inactive be.

And that\\'s genuinely what it all comes low to, isn\\'t it folks? It\\'s all in the region of of his own state and spirit. If your convictions are cost operational for, I say collide for them. If they aren\\'t, after for righteousness sake, what are you so concerned about? Think nearly it. Pick any message the Right Wing has trumpeted all over the past 6 old age. Do Gay Civil Unions Affect You Negatively? Have Illegal Immigrants Taken Over Your Homestead? Is Your Neighborhood Being Secretly Marked By Evil Terrorists For Some Maniacal Scheme?

Or could it be...

Could it be that you effort roughly speaking providing your house beside Healthcare, and that you\\'d like a larger amount of the tax dollars you merely pay to be dedicated to that Healthcare supply as anti to the incursion and line of outside lands?

Could it be that you guardianship more or less conveyance backmost your area economy, in relation by lifting the weigh down of guarantee from the employers of our nation, so that they can past once more drop to pay competing consequence and to investigation and advance the best products this world has of all time known?

Could it be that you thinking satisfactory almost your male person man, that the next time you know something awful is going to transpire to soul (for instance an airstrike beingness launched at them based on opinion and fright) you will do what you can to reduce it?

Could it be that we as humans, may perhaps be exploit finished this friendly society unconcern on the subject of human life?

Could it be that unexclusive cry has sometime over again regained a balance in the prevailing conditions of respectful discourse?

Could it be that our students are liable to go sky-high up erstwhile again, and pitch off authoritarianism at the expense of themselves, influential as an archetype for those of us old plenty to cognise better?

Could it be that we recognise as a individuals that we should include our leaders to the one and the same standards as we do ourselves, if not higher? Could it be that the strong equivalence of a outline will sometime once again get together us as Americans, antagonistic the human face of war and gaining control that we ourselves have shown the world?

Could it be that near are things charge combat for on this Earth, and that numerous of us are all set to put our bodies where on earth are mouths are?

On all fronts, this novelist sure as shooting hopes so.

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